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簡介: 【OEM】DN350單球橡膠接頭代工“貼牌” "OEM" DN350 single ball rubber joint agent 上海淞江減震器集團有限公司官方網站為您介紹:【OEM】DN350單球橡膠接頭代工“貼牌”......

"OEM" DN350 single ball rubber joint agent

Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. official website for you to introduce: [OEM] DN350 single ball rubber joint agent "OEM" information, Songjiang group for customers to provide OEM service to customers, our factory has a set of its own standard abrasives, single ball type, DN40~DN400, for the major brands for the service service.

The OEM sign says:
Our factory has a set of non - standard abrasive tools, professional for the valve factory to provide OEM service, the main models include: DN40~DN400, pressure 1.6Mpa, starting the quantity: more than 100 units, ordinary ordinary water in our factory all have spot, if the need for special material needs to be customized, such as non - standard ethylene propylene rubber will need to be customized, the quantity: each type: each type The number is over 100, and the cycle is 30 days.
Why do you choose Songjiang group?
Songjiang group is the domestic rubber joint industry through the TS pressure pipeline production license unit, TS number: TS2731B90-2020, and our factory rubber joint through the national type test, the national type test certificate, in the field of rubber joint, we are professional.
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